
www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com e small bludger does

, The whole face has been already suppressed is red, Nu Zheng ground the double eye is also full of a thrombus.
"Eldest brother, what's the matter with you?"
"I hold, is this what is the row?"
"This boy is his mama's monster!The brotherses chopped down him!"
Don't know as well is who loudly appeal to the public a , 1 flock for count 7 people the ground is small immediately hold a guy.Roared loud to hurtle up, gesticulated and chopped down little Guo, just little Guo suddenly roars with laughter and keeps shaking head, let this helps small think and want to take place what odd affair, shout backed to return to again all of a sudden.
Because they who all forget not to drop, forget not and drop just very uncannily one act.
The original rascal head head suddenly starts revolt and take the beer bottle hits to go to little head Guo, can who know.This is to grow eyes.End unexpectedly hit under the circumstance that rascal head head is by hand grasped at own head head up!If only hit to harm to O.K. say.That bottle Central plains originally still remenant wine water's imitating a Buddha is given life, the Sou must all drill into all of a sudden in nostril and mouth cavity of rascal head head and blocked up his breath way, this not,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, the body of rascal head head has already started having muscular spasms, the blood vessel on the head all drive blunt of drum get up.
Is original, little Guo is after all a remarkable talent, although resisting deluxe evil monster ground the time is some exhausting, but can alone beat off count 105 class black abnormal shape little Guo, deal with a common run of people, does that not just blow the small vegetables of tone?
Looking at a rascal head the head hit a beer bottle toward oneself, little Guo is light loose the ground operated the ground in the wine bottle surplus wine water, even if this head remarkable artistic skill, but again the strong strength is also finally a Class of the common run of people in front of little Guo's remarkable talent, so little Guo simply operates water in the bottle and turns round the alignment of wine bottle and hits in the face of rascal head head oneself, then for reprimanding this bastard, little Guo Yong's beer blocked up his breath way, so resulted in now this odd scene.
Little Guo shakes a head, he feels these people ridiculous, at the same time again feel that oneself is very sad, oneself fore line and evil monster life and death mutually put together, these shameless lout unexpectedly and still just here show off the force spread fame and bully one the same kind, thought of here, little Guo how can be not angry, slowly, this has been hasing a liking for to have a little the youth of idiocy elephant, the complexion suddenly becomes ferocious and disgusts and indignantly stare at before fixing attention on these small bludgers.
"What person are you ?Dare to give offense to us the black tiger help, you get fed up with living slanting?"A among those small bludger doesn't dare to hurtle to come over, stands in the distance and brandishes to chop down knife to drink to scold a way:"Know mutually of hurriedly put our eldest brother, otherwise ……"
"Otherwise how?"Little Guo Leng hums 1 and raise the step walks toward them to, in that manner, was like enough the tiger of wanting the cannibalism.But little Guo just came forward two, the ankle was suddenly held tight by a hand dead hopeless situation, that head, stared deads fish eye, dead straight stared at little Guo, held tight his ankle, although could not say words,allowed who all saw he was entreating.
At by this time, Yang Hua Wei suddenly stood, he says:"We leave."Finish saying, take the napkin wiped the oil stains of wiping the corner of mouth and took out a piece of four classeses from the wallet of small of the back of evil crystal, with throw to dimples sister, also ignore little fury Guo didn't eliminate a ground of facial expression and wented up and then directly gaved that headed one feet, direct arrived his Chuai corner of wall, however from his violent breather and a cough voice.Can ast least know this guy to don't die, on the contrary struggle from pain and sufferings.
"Cheapness you!"Little Guo Nu hums a , ruthlessly stared that head, turned round the step of keeping up with Yang Hua Wei.But walk to doorway in the hotel, little Guo suddenly thought of what, pulled the gusset of pulling Yang Hua Wei.
"How?"Yang Hua Wei comes to a stop to ask a way:"You haven't eaten satisfied?"
"Be not.Yang Ge is that to the sister, I am worried that we walked, and meeting someone made reprisals them."Little Guo Ku wears a face to say.
"That takes first to ascend them and seek a place at throw down to come be."Yang Hua Wei saw one eye that climb from the ground, full face Yin cold rascal head head, see again have been already frightenned can't talk of dimples sister, mildly say:"However you had better hurry, I don't think the tedious affair is at these top the wave take a lot of time."
"Good Mao!"Little Guo shouts loudly 1.Re- run there again dimples sister in front, surroundings of the customer see little Guo and run back, quickly lowly curiously head.Don't dare to see his ground facial expression, but that helps and more and uselessly hide a part and say for he letting a road, little Guo lookinging at two sisters:"Leave with us, we send back the house to you, in case provoke trouble here."
", , Good!"The dimples sister Leng Leng ground to see one eye.Took a look nearby these rascals, immediately run to little Guo after death.
"Does the hero dare to leave a name?"The rascal head head suddenly walked to come over, it is can hardly for facial expression to see, obviously still to just of the affair is deeply concerned at heart, he tightly looks at little Guo, and imitating the Buddha has to living to swallow him.
"I?I can have no name, however you have to seek me to revenge to want ~only alongside the sea city especially frequently 13s are all right."Little Guo unhappily humed 1 and had already taken two females to leave.
"Especially frequently 13?"The rascal head head is one Leng, quickly heel go out.Indeed as expected saw an arc form ground fly a car to sail out of the room and see those No. zero license plate, this person after immediately feeling the back bone a burst of cold sweat emitted out, "darling, almost have to offense somebody."
"Eldest brother, what position is that person ?"Color Mi Mi the small rascal rush out and looking at that to fly a car, Cui in the dynasty ground one mouthful, scold a way:"True his mama isn't a trick.What complete nonsense demon method.Make ……"
"Roll your mama of and have how far roll how far!Beat a car for me to roll!"The rascal head head suddenly breaks into a furious rage.Ruthlessly that under charge Chuai go out, the under charges Xun also turning round a rightness after death scolds a way:"Hereafter see these two the flying carses all make a detour for me to walk and have how far round how far!"
Is suspicious in the under charges heart, in every aspect Si Qu, but surprisingly reason, they aren't these guys that do pay attention to news in normal times, certainly can't know Yang Hua Wei's names, very Yang Hua Wei's eating quite goodly today , otherwise, can stand now of, also doing not know can have severals.
Sit in flying a car, Yang Hua Wei flies toward the east to, but opened in a short while, he suddenly stopped down, will fly a car to stop in mid air, on the face some sisters that complicatedly turn head to took a look dimples, then see little Guo, say:"Hurriedly processing, after a while go to Tokyo."
", Good, good."Little Guo Ku wears once the face smile, Du Nong 2, turn to turn head to, smiled to hurtle two beauty hurl to go to a look in the eyes of inquiry, that meaning was asking:Two Be located on where get off?
Dimples beauty from ascended to fly a car beginning, keep loudly appealing to the public small call, touch here, see there, in a short while point in addition to a window, in a short while discussion discussion Yang Hua Wei, seem to be excitement matchless, even in don't notice little Guo at all to when turn to turn back to look two of them.
"This ……two Ms. Weis."Little Guo smiled to smile and touched the nose saying to 2 people:"Excuse me, you ……that ……the young ladies?Young lady?"
", You see there!Is a small bird!"
"Is true of, is an airplane!!Is very fierce!"
"H'm H'm, we now in the sky, is stop in the sky ah, this can compare to take airplane much more comfortable!"
"Ah, if we also have thus the ground flies a car like, too magic little Guo deelpy ashamedly hurtled Yang Hua Wei to embrace to embrace a boxing, put by the side of the mouth, lightly cough 2, arouse two females' attentions, this just openings say:"Two beauties ……"
"Don't call our beauty, the mother says openings' calling all of the men of beauty is bad eggs."The left dimples says very innocently.
"This ……" little Guo Yi Leng, ha ha smile, really don't know how to reply.Wanted to think, he was simply to ask a way:"So ……please ask 2 how to call?"
"Do you ask our names to have what scheme?"Right dimples facial expression a horizontal, say very seriously:"The mother says that ability not casually Related articles:

