
Beats By Dr Dre Solo shining basically no

, The mankind's body strength can attain such situation and made two person's eyes all bright, conjecturing of eyes top and bottom Yang Hua Wei, be like want to swallow him into belly.
"You was no longer mankind."Yang Hua Wei says, on stretching hand, the blue light is one Shan, two heads rolled to drop down to roll several turns on the ground from the body, those two heads that left body unexpectedly still blink eyes, in the eye still Jing staring of bright one Yang Hua Wei, go under that diming of shining little, finally lost countenance.
"You persist very much, regrettable but use wrong place, stand to the mankind's opposition noodles, or made reference to my opposition noodles."Yang Hua Wei says to stretch feet to step these two heads explode.
"Card Ba Si, I will find out yours."Yang Hua Wei mumblingly says and immediately after bent from the waist to tidy up for a while, finding out the black ax son that the card expects Si don't at waist, will pour more than ten each sexual maniac of monsters of ground pick a skin twitch to take evil crystal, fight in the holy city of that meeting this is to post-warly have to work, at will peel off under the Yang Hua Wei's well-trained skill of skin with evil crystal pack, wanted to think and mowed several ten catties of evil monsters of meat, grow each time the evil monsters all mowed at 1:00 wrap together back on the body, Yang Hua Wei now carry than his figure still want greatly ascend several things of times, it is a snail to look like similar, just carry these things, Yang Hua Wei still seem to be light loose, stepped out this to dissolve hole, look for exit.
This dissolves hole is independence in underground of, still put two sets and sign the mute generator of cabinet type in corner, send out light Weng sound, the passage pours is have a , only person the waist sort is thick, a burst of delightfully fresh air is to flow out to come in from here, the so small hole is basically not enough with let the huge figure of Yang Hua Wei pass, dissolved a hole corner of a , the rock is broken up powder-like in shape, fully had several 100 square big cake of, not knew be crawled through by the evil monster how much time, Yang Hua Wei looking at this placed not from shook to shake head, have to say that the card expected the place that the Si chose enough good, have already drilled a ground of evil monster helped each other and passed in and out to pour also convenient, the common run of people basically sought this place not, even if is in 500 years, the mankind didn't also study can with the machine of free passage underground, is also say, Yang Hua Wei surrounded here now and passed in and out not get.
The facial expression that has no one silk fluster on the face of Yang Hua Wei, but the wound that sat down first to tidy up shoulders, the wound has already healed to knot blood Jia, time exercise although still some aches, isn't in the way, activity the physique on the body, immediately after lie prone to in the ground, stick the ear to in the rock, each listen to cautiously, have been hearing dissolve hole most seamy side, immediately after take out that the black ax son and the saber is on the stone wall incise get up, none of two weapons is any article, very quick Yang Hua Wei goes in ten several rice distance for the Tao, rock also gradual of Wen Run get up, until at this time Yang Hua Wei just stop next walk out, the body up pack of the skin open and select that fat of plain wheat roll evil skin, tie up fast the skin, shout of to in start to absorb spirit, start to blow a large big plain wheat roll kind, support shiningly to just at last stop down, trail the similar skin of the balloon that was like Chong to annoy, Yang Hua Wei again drilled in to just dig out of that the stone opens up hollow place, foot fiercely Duo ten several feet, bomb a ly, the ground falls to keep on sinking, the Yang Hua Wei person also keeps on falling, below is unexpectedly an underground river, the water level leaves rock the foot have ten several rices high, utter darkness one, above shoot down of a little shining basically not enough with illuminate this not to know much underground river water, just Yang Hua Wei's whereabouts of time, balloon similar sub- skin but card at rock up, Yang Hua Wei mourns up body to feet the crest live rock again fiercely, Hua a , big slice of of the rock escape from stone wall to drop down, Yang Hua Wei also take a lot of things firm enter deeply osseous river Shui-li of iciness, with the current float to flow.
Passed by for three days, Yang Hua Wei was to die similar embrace a similar skin of that balloon on the surface, give vent to anger tightly press nose place at, skin at this time already only have half spirit status, Yang Hua Wei floats to flow so on the surface, body also jelly deliver purple.
"Square and red elder sister Yan, we are like so to have no a head a fly similar indiscriminately bump is not a way either."Turned for 45 days, any pear flower sees the radar see eyes hair flower, regardless see all what things is the stars orders of a big slice of, not from some helplessly say to the square and red Yan.
"How?Do you have a good way?"Square and red Yan head didn't lift of say, still keep being carefully looking into a for use by the military map to still have a few satellite pictures, the finger is continuous in the top of compare to row.
"I ……I have no, not I ask my grandpa, he is old, once walked of the bridge once walked than us of the roads are all many, asking him affirmation can ask a good way."Any pear flower wanted to mean to say a way, after was taught by Yang Hua Wei, any pear flower easily can't brought up oneself, that omnipotent grandpa again, if not is to see square and red Yan appearance with distressed look, she is to absolutely can't move away own grandpa.
"H'm ……so also good."The square and red Yan wanted to mean to say a way, now as long as have where afraid is the hope in 1:00, she will also fight for with all strength, for Yang Hua Wei, the feeling of the square and red Yan as long as the women who truely once loved can understand, that is love that almost is fond of at the crary Chi, however regrettable of BE, in this utility more and more big, greatly must have some abnormal exergue in, once had this kind of loving of the woman is too little, any pear flower hasn't led at least.
Any pear flower takes out 13 telephones for allotting, this kind of keeping of style commonness plank telephone she uses very uncomfortable, formerly the telephones used which isn't the lately the most beautiful and the most high-tech goods, however since entering is 13, again and 1 set of Yang Hua Wei, she has to acquaint with again and again and let go of own high specification request.
Any pear flower broke through the grandpa's telephone, very simple of said an affair 1 time, any pear spends this kind of and neatly does breeze and lets telephone that of any is all old not from Leng a short moment, the variety of this wench is also a little aer lot too big, make any old not from the exclamation discipline troops again and again to the person's Ya chain, just he where know, these still not is all what Yang Hua Wei forces, the that male oppression of Yang Hua Wei lets any pear spend this female of Jiao Jiao also not dare and have one going against of silk, Yang Hua Wei will these two woman grams must die dead of, some tempers all have no, say with Yang Hua Wei's theory, real strenght decision the whole, only seek a whole country only afraid still really could not seek a few fists bigger than Yang Hua Wei.
"Give the square and red Yan the telephone."Any was old to want to mean to say a way, although he really thinks to have a chat more with granddaughters,the granddaughter is being placed in to revise a period at this time, he doesn't want to make he's influence to the granddaughter too big, in case a turn over to all with patience waste.
"You like any old, I am a square and red Yan."The square and red Yan connects to conduct electricity words to politely say, although any old Pu through hurt in her in front to lead Yang Hua Wei, anyway, any is old still keep being general absolute being existence among the ability, a spirit letter mark.
"Square and red Yan, affair I have already all known, the capital city also receives the data that the logistic section delivers here, I once saw as well, square and red Yan,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, I know your mood, any always an experienced hand, also apprehensibility you, however you have no so a purpose search finally isn't a way, I suggest the place that you return to a cent goes and stares at the changes of point intelligence report section and have an accident of the second day the intelligence report section have already stepped up to disappear a neighborhood of search, should be very quick and then will have news."Any old language center of gravity is long of say.
"Any is old, I also know that you say of in the reason, but I can not help worrying."The square and red Yan language has already taken to cry a chamber in voice.
"Square and red Yan, I know that you are worried about him, but I can responsiblely tell you, Yang Hua Wei isn't likely to have an accident, even if is to occupy, he wants to escape one's living a life basically isn't problem."Any was old to aggravate tone to say.
"These I know, but do you see that big wood, is like a person who knows to improvise?I afraid his temper a come up and those evil monster and monster the person die Ke, he necessarily and unexpectedly only a person."The voice that the square and red Yan talks also Gao get up.
"Ha ha, originally you are worried about this."Any is old a listen to smile a while Related articles:

