
beats by dre studio seek to lend into a

The world chapter 355 refuses not to hand over power
After two days, glory Wang Li Wan leads 40,000 river east the soldier arrived to celebrate state, so Li Long Ji of nearby have already had 160,000 battalions, meanwhile, Bian Wang Pai Ren delivers news, returning to He soldier the north has already withdrawn steppe, Shuo square of the Wei formally tell with the relief, get this news, Li Long Ji again have no cares at home, he immediately issues order that the whole army goes up north to work properly state, at the end of last ten days of month, 160,000 battalions vastly and mightily to Shuo square the stanza degree make the mansion location work properly state to open.
Work properly state is also today's Ningxia to work properly Wu Xuan's place, it tightly depends yellow river, the yellow river river surface is spacious, the subsidiary current is numerous, the rich soil is to close the north of the Long to famously produce food area and work properly state city is also to close Long the biggest city in the north at the same time, just its resources is rich and densely populated, therefore here also became Shuo square the stanza degree make a location.
Return to He the leaving of person have never given Shuo square the stanza degree make Anne think to come to a silk breather conveniently, contrary, a kind of judgment day comes of fear to make Anne think follow agitated can not all day long, this world noon, Anne thinks to fluently receive news, Li Long Ji has already left to celebrate state, ten several ten thousand battalions to his work properly state to open, at the latest two day, the battalion then will arrive to work properly state.
Is dusk house of in one in, Anne thinks to follow to foolishly hope roof, he has already closed he two hours in the room, he is making extremely difficult decision, should he be what should one do?
In fact, he has already had decision, now is to need him to descend to settle this decision, Anne's thinking and following has been 50, several decades of troops career becomes the personality that he chops in two fighting, he doesn't know to do in this whole life how much graveness decide, included to kill to the Li Qing An's cutting in those early years, he just used time of tea and then dided to decide, tea, this was the upper limit that he does decision, he does decision always can't more than tea time, but this decides today,he fully considers for three days.
Hug soldier's independence, this is Anne to think to obey to have never considered, even is the mind that he has never come out, hug soldier's independence, this means he will split into pieces big Tang and mean that he will become a square soil emperor, big Tang's founding a nation has never led precedent like this for more than 100 years, while his Anne's thinking fluently will come out this square one.
After three days of thinking, and two hours face the wall to contemplate, Anne's thinking to follow has already gradually descended to settle decision, he wants to come out this an one step, in fact, he already nowhere to turn, if he not independence, he will is certain to die.
Think at Anne easy on the eyes before, there is the map of a pass Long region, he temporarily still has no sand dish, he has already sent the person creates and just hasn't completed, in fact he doesn't need sand dish as well and close one mountain of Long region one water, he unusually acquaints with, this among them he acquaints with most of would be river west, he does several years of stanza degree to make over there, his vision falls in the river western hallway of map at this time on.
Is similar to Li Qing An, he equally also discovered the opportunity of the west of river, elder brother comfortable Han already river the troops of the west take out to adjust an empty, river west empty have no soldier, this is the opportunity of an once in a lifetime, Anne thinks agreeable vision to gradually become resolute, this is him next settle the emotion of decision to show, he hopes a window outside cold cold on smiling, soliloquize a way:"Li Long Ji, this is that you force mine, you don't want to regret!"
"Commander in chief!"The voice that outside and suddenly spreads Gao Xiu Yan in the door, the voice slightly takes one silk panic.
"What matter?"
"I just received news, there was patrol to discover Guo Zi Yi is from nine original rates the soldier went down south and had already arrived to stabilize a county quickly."
Anne thinks to follow get a shock, urgently ask a way:"BE at the yellow river an east still a yellow river west?"
"BE at the yellow river is with the west."
Anne thinks agreeable heart in immediately nervous, has Guo Zi Yi already discovered his/her own scheme?Have this possibility very much, otherwise Guo Zi Yi has no necessity to come down from the yellow river west coast, how is this good?Anne thinks to fluently carry the hand paces to and fro in the room, in the heart quick thinking counterplan.
At this time, Gao Xiu Yan again way:"Commander in chief, the vulgar job still has a matter to report a report."
"Come in!"
The door opened, the one Shan body of Gao Xiu Yan entered building, Anne's thinking to follow has already sat to return to position and lightly look at him, "say!What matter?"
According to reason, Gao Xiu Yan is his confident, he should not be so cheerless, can in fact he has already discovered that Anne thinks to follow to he and isn't a loyal so, this person have selfishness, someone is airtight to tell to him, Gao Xiu Yan already the secret transfer patrimony and wife son, certainly, Anne thinks his misgiving of agreeable apprehensibility, he transfers wife son and patrimony to have no what, the key was Gao Xiu Yan don't report a report to oneself, his everythingses are all concealing their his own circumstances under silently completion, this explains that he no longer was optimistic about he, this making Anne think to fluently living to him one silk is dissatisfied.
Anne's thinking agreeable cheerless Gao Xiu Yan don't realize, he knows that Anne thinks fluently now definitely hasty get such as hot the ant on the pot, six absolute beings are ownerless, because he has never seen Anne's thinking fluently will close he in the room to reach to two hours.
He is anti- to lock up the door and comes forward an one-step soft-voiced way:"Can the commander in chief think good way out?"
Anne thought to immediately living in the agreeable heart a silk watch out for, he not the dew voice color ground sighed a tone way:"Have no, I really don't know should what should one do?"
"Commander in chief, I pour a suggestion."
"You say quickly!"Anne thinks to follow immediately straight body, is full of expectation ground to hope him, that facial expression imitated a Buddha to find out an exit on the precipice.
Gao Xiu Yan's spirit on flapping, hurriedly way:"Commander in chief, I think around, the commander in chief wants to think that the cook leads this pass, only a road can walk, don't know that the commander in chief thoughted of?"
"I at think the brothers that can go and live with me Anne Lu mountain, but be under not this decision."Anne thinks to fluently sound out his way.
Gao Xiu Yan smiled, one Shu thumb way:"Commander in chief, I am exactly this idea, I think that the unique commander in chief exit is to go and live with an eastern even county king, in all the world, unique can accept commander in chief of only have an eastern even county king."
"Can I am also considering surrendering to Li Long Ji."
Anne thinks to fluently continue to sound out his way:"I think as long as surrendering on one's own initiative, although Li Long Ji can't let I again Zhang military power, he can't kill me at least, with my resume, can also serve as one state district magistrate, this with go and live with Anne Lu mountain also about."
"Commander in chief forget Wang Zhong Si's end?"Gao Xiu Yan is obviously some worried, advise his way:"In those early years Wang Zhong Si be because Be not willing to strike against stone fortress city, defied Li Long Ji's aim idea, result drive devaluate to nine a river district magistrate, although Li Long Ji didn't kill him at that time, after a year Wang Zhong Si die of from violence, this affirmation was under Li Long Ji of hand, he was good at this lined most , the Wei was hard, emperor just however clearly not all similar?Demote first, let the world think that his kindness is a bosom, wait public all no longer noticed, he starts again, don't these people all not suspiciously depart from this life after a year?If the commander in chief surrendered him, was certain to die a year later."
"This......Let me consider again."
"The commander in chief don't think, the eastern even county king is your younger brother Zu, all set up household sons, and only he can treat kindly commander in chief and reserve the real strenght of commander in chief."
Anne thought agreeable Pie his one eye,beats by dre studio, he'ah!'Ground one gives a deep sigh, way:"My Anne thinks to follow to when use to make policy so for a long time of, also good!Go to Fan Yang and go to the Lu mountain of my younger brother Zu, Anne, according to your project, I this write a letter for him and sends a person to send."
Anne thought to follow to quickly write a letter, be Gao Xiu Yan's noodles pass to close soldier's way:"This believes you to immediately send out to go for me and use 800 in add to report urgently and quickly, two day inside have to send to Fan Yang, one day later, then lift a person head to see me."
The close soldier answered letter in quick time but go, Gao Xiu Yan secretly the heart is pleased, again way:"Commander in chief, Li Long Ji's battalion leaves to only have here for two days, road, if the letter in reply of etc. eastern even county king walks again, afraid of time meeting too late, rather we immediately set out."
Anne thought an agreeable point to nod, "my plan is to set out today midnight, you also return to preparation for a while!"
"That belongs to next excuse to leave!"
Gao Xiu Yan withdrew room, Anne thought to follow to slowly walk to before the window, figure look at Gao Xiu Yan to disappear in the hospital, cold cold a say with smile:"Originally you are a dog of the Lu mountain of Anne!"
He to once the close soldier in the hospital beckon with the hand, the close soldier walks to descend to window in quick time, "invite a commander in chief order!"
"Have eyes fixed on Gao Xiu Yan for me, notice his each and every move, he has any action and immediately reports a report to me!"
Gao Xiu Yan lives in the city west, his wife son already secret parties the person send to Luo sun, in the whole big house live his one person for, Anne thinks to fluently guess have no wrong, he goes and lives with Anne Lu mountain really already, the bird chooses a good wood and stays, he also needs to consider he's future prospects, ever since that time Anne thought to fluently refuse Li long Ji's life, he the aim idea for coming off stage, Gao Xiu Yan then knew, how long has it been since Anne's thinking fluently could not live, Li Long Ji by all means the first start to him, but take office of Guo Zi Yi and oneself related to not good, if he appears on stage, can't have own nice day leads, at this time, Anne Lu mountain parties person secret to seek him, Gao Xiu Yan then complies with the surrounding to pour into Anne embracing of Lu mountain, drive Anne Lu mountain ordination for even Lus all the troops and horses make, but Anne's ordination of the Lu mountain is conditioned, that is that he has to think Anne to fluently persuade to Fan Yang, if Anne thinks fluently Be not willing to come to Fan Yang, that his Gao Xiu Yan's even Lus all the troops and horses make is a dream just.
The effort doesn't take an observant and conscientious person, Anne's thinking is fluently and indeed as expected advised by him to take, would like to go to Fan Yang, Gao Xiu Yan flies off the handle endocentric concussion and immediately rushes through once in mansion, he walked into back yard all the way, there is a pigeon cage in a corner, in have five pigeon sons, this is Anne Lu mountain life the person send to his report carrier pigeon, Gao Xiu Yan quickly wrote two similar pigeon letter of sealings and told Anne the Lu mountain in the letter, Anne thought fluently to rise in revolt at the midnight and rushed through and left for Fan Yang, let Anne the Lu mountain work well and connect soldier's preparation.
He believes a pigeon and fills into a letter tube respectively, again in quick time walk to the pigeon before the cage, explored to touch two strong pigeon sons, bound two pigeon letters respectively on their leg, he again very careful confirm, have already bound and fructified, he fiercely starts to throw two carrier pigeons, two carrier pigeons in the sky rush toward Leng Leng and launch wing, take promoting of Gao Xiu Yan and become rich dream and hover around and fly to faraway Fan Yang.
Dead hour, in the big camp of the Shuo square soldier sudden drumbeat your work, more than 20,000 soldiers are waked up with a start in the sleeping, they are muddled, take weapon, confusedly then rush from the tent on helmet of set.
"What happened matter?"
"Do not know, probably is return to He soldier and beat to come!"
Various news spreads between the food for powder, but no one gives them explanation reason, also no one gives them Xun words and even connect to tidy up a troops of time all have no, follow big troops' panic nervous piece to rush to the yellow river near the bank.
Work properly state city to tightly depend yellow river, distance river shore shortage ten inside, Shuo square the soldier have more than 100 ferries on the yellow river, then can send 20,000 people at a time over the yellow river, at this time, Anne's thinking agreeable and more than ten confident to get has been already arrived first, Anne thinks to fluently hope black deeply river's noodles and once in a very long while contemplate language not, he knows that the opposite shore woulds be Guo Zi Yi's troops, if like this past, doing not wait they to go ashore then will be intercepted by him, he can in no way cross river from here.
Anne thinks fluently and contemplates very long, all is fair in war, had better drag along Guo Zi Yi here, he then from meeting the state crossed river and thoughted of this, he called to a confident great commander, the low voice instructed him how many, the great commander gets to make but go, at this time, Gao Xiu Yan from behind made track for to come up, in his heart frightened abnormality, does Anne's thinking fluently don't go to Fan Yang?Going to Fan Yang should go east just to, how want westwards Du yellow river?
"Commander in chief, you not is go to....."
"Trust, I is go to Fan Yang!"
Anne thought to fluently clap to clap his shoulder and smiled to comfort him way:"If go east, be then and at the right moment intercepted by Li Long Ji's big troops, so I want to go west first, then round Li Long Ji after death to just change to go to the east toward the south, are you understand?"
"But...."Gao Xiu Yan still means to say to go north Fan Yang is faster, but Anne thinks to follow already not to the opportunity that he talks, block his words head way:"You go aboard first, we by boat go down south!"
He gives a few close soldiers make an expression of eyes, close soldiers immediately escort Gao Xiu Yan to then walk toward the argosy to, walk several step, Gao Xiu Yan suddenly once responded, not right!Anne thinks to follow anything but go to Fan Yang.
"Anne is handsome, is this what is the row?"Gao Xiu Yan yells a , he wants to flounce a close soldier, didn't expect a few close soldiers all the dint is big everlasting, strong trail his arm toward the argosy but go.
"Quick bearer!"Gao Xiu Yan plea for help from own close soldier, he shouted a , then drive one well-known scholar the soldier use a haft malicious hit on his back of the head, he immediately faints.
The knife only twinkles, a few close soldiers who come together with him immediately disappear at darkly in, Anne's thinking fluently what to want is Gao Xiu Yan's 3,000 subordinates, otherwise, he has already killed this betrayal he's person, the letter that he unexpectedly dare be dark to send a pigeon to Anne Lu mountain.
"Commander in chief, the troops all arrived near the bank, now how do?"
Anne thinks agreeable Yin to coldly hope opposite shore, he suddenly turns round to issue order a way:"The life battalion adjusts to change direction south, to meeting state military advance, tell food for powder, return to He the person take the offensive river west, life of saint we urgently leave for river west rescue."
In the night view, 20,000 Shuo square the battalion adjust a head to south, vastly and mightily to meeting the state enter hair, meanwhile, 100 argosies are also offshore to set out, 50 drives onto opposite shore, but moreover 50 then with the current to north but go, Guo Zi Yi's troops are from the northern side nine at first since then, these 50 argosies contrary go toward nine original direction but go.
You state city, Gao Xiu Yan sends the pigeon believed to arrive You state in the second day evening, immediately and then be sent to the table of the Lu mountain of Anne up, at this time, Anne Lu mountain just with a few of his great commanders and strive for private's company to mete out soldier's affair, the Anne Lu mountain has already decided to send army, in the earliest plan, the Anne Lu mountain is to intend in a low-key way bear, fight for become Li Long Ji the last pare Fan of object, but the situation sharply changes, he also ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of Li Long Ji unexpectedly river east the soldier main force adjusts to close Long and makes river eastern a take the only very few troops garrisons, this makes Anne Lu mountain Peng however move.
Can say from number the year ago start, the Anne Lu mountain then and helplessly stares at river east, he with much ado thinks part-time river east the stanza degree make, but he has been canning not have the wish fulfilled, almost want despair at him of, the opportunity bursts upon in his in front:River east empty.
"Each general, my viewpoint everyone have already understood, I want to ask for everyone's opinion now, river east should we take?"
There are 7 people in the sand dish room, is all confident of the Lu mountain of Anne, strive for a private classic, the great commander history think clearly, Cai Xi De, the farmland Gan is true, Li Gui Ren, erudite piece and Anne Lu mountain second son Anne celebrate a clue.
Take the offensive river the east is an important event, Anne the Lu mountain not only need to listen to the idea of striving for the private, but also want to listen to the suggestion of under charge great commander, these great commanderses can only block one side, all is advertise for to fight well it will.
Strive for a private classic first way:"According to the intelligence report that we get, river east the troops only have more than 10,000 persons and all distribute and more spread, among them, more concentrated place is too all norths at first, had the troops 5,000 people, secondly would was the well Xing pass Ai, had already guarded 2,000 soldiers, should say river east the Tuo hand could get, the key is that we used what way capture, is strong line of and sends army, or seeks and lends, I personal a trait of seeks one and lends."
Anne Lu mountain the point nod, he is also this viewpoint, he sees several member great commanders all keep silent, then some upset way:"You also say that notting to want's standing doesn't talk over there."
The history thinks to come forward an one step clearly at this time, slowly to the public way:"My individual thinks strong have also good, seek to lend into also good, these are all of no account, importance of is after, we can occupy river over a long period of time east, also have, occupy river east after, our next move again should how?Still have, Li Qing An had to push on and occupy river west, we didn't need any of borrowing and directly send army be."
The person whom the history thinks to pay attention to most clearly is Li Qing An, so many in the last yearses, he always can not get away from Li Qing An's shadow, the humiliation of many year agos became his life evil-foreboding dream, his head quarter imperceptibly and then pulled in Li Qing An's body and had already become one of his habit, public also understand him this trouble, who don't dare as well joke he.
At this time, Cai Xi De just wanted openings, Anne the Lu mountain then obstructed him, "hope virtuous go without saying, I know your opinion."
Cai Xi De is a person who chops in two fighting, he comes to a decision a matter, immediately will do, regardless affair have much difficult, he doesn't reach a purpose to in no case give up, the Anne Lu mountain certainly knows that he wants to say what, his affirmation will say and all through the night send army to seize river east.
The Anne Lu mountain tooks a look farmland Gan again true, this is a great commander of versed in literary and military arts, have been most being subjected to Anne the Lu mountain regard highly, farmland Gan true childhood name Hao, very good in Fan Yang's popularity, in addition to the history thinks clearly, the farmland Gan really thinks with history clearly again ineradicable hatred, the this Anne Lu mountain also knows, so he as far as possible uneasy line up their 2 people to work together.
" Hao, you said to see, you had what viewpoint!"
The farmland Gan really comes forward to go 1:"Anne is handsome, my viewpoint is similar to Mr. Gao, river east affirmation wants to have, key is how have, I advocate to seek to lend, so would the teacher contains, unless Anne is handsome have already decided clearly show of world, replace Li Shi Jiang's mountain, otherwise, is still a little bit more careful good, as for occupy river east behind plan me to pour to think of no account, situation at variety, was like commander in chief to still want to bear in a low-key way a month ago, but then decided to send army river now east, so planning is of no account, important of is the variety that pays attention to situation."
Finish saying, he uses canthus remaining only and glimpses a history to think clearly and lightly humed in the heart a , the history thinks clear dark to wear a face one the speech don't deliver.
"Say quite goodly!"
The Anne Lu mountain endorsed a location to nod, farmland Gan true analysis very to his appetite, he tooks a look other several people again, Li Gui Ren, erudite piece and Anne celebrate a clue to all mean to occupy river east and become in fact of river east the stanza degree make.
The military advance river east has already become a consensus now, this has already left no room for doubt, the key lies in using what kind of lend?Always can not learn Li Qing An, use river the east suppress bandits of lend!The river east also has no bandit can Jiao.
While being public to all contemplate to want to lend, a close soldier walks into room and silently pass a pigeon letter to Anne Lu mountain, "Anne is handsome, what Gao Xiu Yan delivers."
The Anne Lu mountain is one Zheng, he opens letter to took a look, Anne thinks to fluently and indeed as expected want to go to Hebei, at this time, Anne the brain of the Lu mountain suddenly working one Shan, he thoughted of an of exquisitely lending.
"Is each, Anne thinks to fluently want to go and live with Hebei, we should help saint up, go to river the east intercept Anne to think fluently, everyone sees this lend how is?"
When Anne thinks and fluently withdraws and works properly state, Li Long Ji's battalion has already arrived green just Ling, here was a salt state and celebrated state and worked properly the handing over of state boundary place, mountain power steep, the forest was thick, at this time the bottom of the sky has rain, rain more under more heavy, make the marching forward of battalion become abnormality difficult, Li Long Ji also drive rain drenching body, he is these days of and two lately- got beauties night after night seek joys, the body is extremely weak, after being sprinkled by rain, soon then get sick, Li Wan immediately the life the armed forces right on the spot halt a camp, after waiting heavy rain to stop again before continuing go.
Is a thin long of the body appear in heavy rain, Li Wan supports an oil paper umbrella and slowly walk to the father emperor of big before the debt, a bodyguard comes forward a way:"His highness, the his majesty health condition isn't good, can not trouble him."
"I know that I come right away to have a look."
Li Wan slowly walks to enter account doorway and halts enough Ning to listen to, a cough voice and breath that listens to a big debt often spread a father emperor of fizzle, Li Wan's heart abnormality is heavy, he knows how long has it been since emperor of father could not live, want to let father emperor's changing again to sign an idea of keeping is already perhaps not that realistic, seeing eldest grandson Li Yu will soon mount the throne, and this makes to be full of to lose in Li Wan's heart.
Li Wan is Li Long Ji sixth son, the vegetable contains good alias, the style shows whole, have much of reputation in the clan at the eminent family private, he always also see thin power and influence, is doing not serve as before the river east stanza degree make, Li Wan hardly wanted to battle out an emperor in the past, he always then thought an emperor with he no chance, but the person's idea is along with environment of change but change, when Li Wan served as river east the stanza degree made after, in the hand grasp actually and really at of military power, the first time he tasted the sweet taste of power, the heart world then took place to turn over the variety that the sky replied ground, he started having a kind of thirst to the emperor begging, did he have a hope?Originally he has been entertaining a front line hope and take this front-line hope that he arrived at to celebrate state, can now, his seeing with own eyes the father emperor's body is with each passing day crocking up, he then knows, possibility not big, the father emperor anyway can't stick his/her neck out, again change to sign a prince.
Li Wan secretly sighed an one breath and turned round and leave a big debt, at this time, suddenly spread the voice of Li Long Ji's infirmity in the big debt.
"Is a Wan son?"
"BE!The emperor of the father is me."
"You.....Come in!"
Li Wan walks into a big debt, Li Long Ji lies bed up, he isn't two women that is lately- got to celebrate state any more, but heel he together the martial wise instruments of city, this time, he needs most of be acquaint with him, can look after him bodily of woman.
"The emperor of the father!"Li Wan knelt down.
Li Long Ji the hard way sits to start, way:"I at the right moment have an affair to want to seek you."
"Father emperor say, please!"
"I deliberate for a long time, Shuo square the soldier is also me of troops, I don't think with Shuo square the soldier have any belligerence kills, so my decision then think for Anne follow an opportunity, if he is immediately willing to come to surrender me, can I change to seal him to think for way observation in Henan making, can't killing him, you how?"
"The father emperor's kindness, this is the opportunity that Anne thinks an agreeable end, if he again Be not willing to repent past mistakes, the heaven also allows of no him."
"H'm!"Li Long Ji ordered to nod and said with smile to him:"So I am just thinking, actually send who do me of emissary had better, think around, still emperor's son you go to the most suitable!"
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