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There are four classes of espresso coffee machines in today's market and people typically choose either a semi automatic or automatic model when making their first purchase. These four classes are: manual, semi automatic, automatic and super automatic machines. Let me briefly describe what each of these are so you can decide for yourself which type is suitable for you when purchasing your espresso coffee machine either for yourself or as a gift.

1) Manual Machines

These are frequently known as lever espresso machines and were the very first to hit the market. Espresso produced through these machines using a high level of pressure (not using steam power) and are what we call today as modern day espresso. These machines are more for the romantics as the quality of the espresso produced by these machines are typically not comparable to those produced by semi automatic or automatic espresso machines.

2) Semi Automatic Machines

Why are these known as semi automatic? In these machines, you will find an automated pump and automated temperature controls for the boiler. In turn, these are turned on and off by activation switches, which thus provide control for the pump. That is why these machines are known as such as they provide the user the flexibility to turn the pump on or off.

3) Automatic Machines

The automatic espresso machines differ from the semi automatic contemporaries in that they include automated (and often programmable) preset water volumes simply with the press of a button. The automated pump and automated temperature controls for the boiler work together with these automated preset water volumes to produce a standard cup of espresso, thus earning the name "automatic".

4) Super Automatic Machines

As the name suggests, these machines can produce a beautifully brewed fresh cup of espresso with the press of a single button. The process of grinding, dosage, brewing and even ejecting the spent puck or coffee capsule is taken care of by the machine. Even the delivery of water is predetermined through the press of a button. However if you happen to grind the coffee more finely or pack more coffee instead, the result will be different as well. These (and automatic) machines work well in commercial environments due to their convenience and consistency as all you have to do is to load up your portafilter with coffee, tamp it properly, close all the covers and seals,beats by dre solo, press and button and walk away and the machine will stop brewing once the predetermined amount as measured by the internal volumeter is reached. All these gives more time and opportunity for some pantry gossip as well!

In a nutshell there are many brands of espresso coffee machines in the market today and most of them fall in the semi-automatic and automatic categories. Personally, my preference is towards semi automatic machines as you do not have to decide when to engage or disengage the boiler heater - the machine does it all for you - while the automatic pump maintains consistent pressure. Related articles:

