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Friend is ……"
If the sword Yi just piece opened mouth, Luo interrupted her easily and suddenly and very ill-manneredly and smiled a way:"The settle however is a sword Yi in of gold childe dragon, at under early have been already heard, today on seeing, long heard of your great reputation, at under Luo break a soldier, river lake a nobody.This is the pottery Tang."
The sword Yi are all one Leng with handsome pottery Tang Liang Ren, his this introduction is too strange, introduced handsome pottery Tang's name wrong, that O.K. said, he after all is have no for teach of person, at face a river absolutely can not be too overbearing, can himself why also made an assumed name, however, this problem now not is pursue of time, now that all said out, their 2 people also approved.
Gold childe dragon suddenly interrupts conversation to have a little an opinion very much to him very obviously, can hear medium sword Yi but be got a fright, heart way:"Is oneself and sword Yi this relates to, she has never allowed she to call so, in addition to her teacher, also have already done Hong clothes, he still really has never seen who call so her!……"
He not from must cautiously see easy two eyeses of Luos again, in addition to deeply canning not measure, he cans not tells to have what special.
In fact this affair was Luo easily don't notice with 2 people of sword Yi, Luo is easy he doesn't know that he when changed so very intimately the form of address, his of course not knows if the sword Yi noticed this affair.
"This severals are ……" gold childe dragon lets go of the doubt in the heart, the vision turns again to the Tuo pull out in more several individuals body.
Or Luo Be easily successful in career to answer, he connects a little bothersome meaning to all have no, way:"That is while nextly belonging to, to the place of childe's disrespect, Take it easy on me.."
Gold the very big degree of childe dragon smiled to say with smile:"You doesn't want to say so, original road be the person walks of, how, go into the city together with brothers?"
This idea he didn't take, nominally he is still the person who has a superior, his vision turns to in handsome pottery Tang's body, this had no for pottery Tang who teaches to shake to shake head very firmly, way:"Many thanks to childe beautiful idea, our several individuals has some an affair to do, not much bother."
Gold childe dragon incredibly has no a little angry meaning, the sword Yi is oddness very much, in her heart, this gold childe dragon is really strange today, but she has no time to pursue, on the body that arrived her of gold childe dragon's pike head.
"Sword Ms. Yi ……"
The sword Yi didn't wait he to finish saying, know he is what mean, very tactful way:"Thank childe, I have some a matter with these two friends."
Gold childe dragon has much of ordering of poise to nod, way:"That is all right, at under occupy in the body, took leave first, have what matter, please contact me."
Finish saying, take this brigade Royal armed escort very quick rushed in to face a river.
Luo easy corner of mouth one silk smile slowly spread the whole face.This time, is sword Yis all oddness, very obvious, Luo easily and gold childe dragon of, have to make a people curious about relation, can see a Luo easy face of that equanimity, she and handsome pottery Tangs all really know interest of don't ask what, they know, this Luo easily has a lot of peculiar affairs, is that whole body fighting skill, all to make people the thing of hard understand, good elephant continuously of progress in.
"Originally still thought to is that is the good play a , what person does this gold childe dragon isexactly ?"Handsome pottery Tang stretched to stretch and yawn and had a little an asking of regrets way.
Luo easily saw sword Yi one eye, this time, he has already affirmed very much, that did Hong clothes and at present sword Yi, absolutely was the same teacher.She certainly knows gold childe dragon's identity, can he is still an active way:"The handsome elder brother is very curious, this gold childe dragon is a person, his teacher is Yang Wen Di, the handsome elder brother should know him what person!"
Handsome pottery mouth Tang piece of consumedly of, he how didn't thought of, this look the guy that taking and ordering is handsome and deeply sinks, incredibly is the high foot on the saint nowadays, so, speech idea of bottom, be have no for teach very important opponent.This time, rejoice more in his heart Luo just easily for the assumed name word that he says, he still really didn't dare to affirm, oneself was to don't expose identity.
"Let's still quickly go into the city!"There are a lot of questions in the sword Yi heart, too, can she knows, this time, Luo easily probably can't say anything.
"Went into the city to certainly want, but wasn't now."Luo easily very puzzling way, turn head to took a look an after death from a distance big way, the end one of big way receives, what can not see.
"How?What good matter does the brothers still have?"Handsome pottery Tang very outside of wrinkly the eyebrows ask a way.
Luo easily takes to order mysterious flavor, there are a pair of eyes of brightness, this time is also brightly, easily comfortable way:"Handsome elder brother not is want to see an incitement ordering thing?"
"How,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, again did someone come?"Handsome pottery Tang takes a doubt and sees to the end of big way.Can see only is the big way that the one receives dust to float in the sky in the his eyes, have nothing at all.
And Luo is easy but very affirmative of ordered to nod, very quick, sword Yi once the expression of eyes change, she also had one very misty felling, feel consciousness in a burst of the urgently hasty clop spread to heart in, yes, is in the heart, not ear in.
This consciousness one Shan but lead, can her eyes in still suddenly and violently have one regiment shocked color, dark Cun in heart, oneself is at least more easily slow than Luo ten interests, this margin speaks have nothing at all, can inside achievement up, ten interests that is a height that can not exceed.Knew this result in the heart, her upset increased a lot.
The time that turns an eye, handsome pottery Tang Lian up finally peeped out a shocked color, oneself with this Luo the easy margin is a lot too big!He hasn't come yet and respond to come over.Luo easily and early pull out more several personal ways to the Tuo:"We press the original road to return and see whether is that we want to wait a friend."
Handsome pottery Tang and sword Yi is basically 2 people, have no opposed opinion this time, they already drive Luo the easily miraculous fighting skill earthquake live.
A group of people just wanted to face a river, but beat to turn head road and more or less had a little oddness, can the person of road have already become inured to the unusual, those very the native sons of duty all know this a period of time, facing the river has to have a big grand occasion, they once experienced a lot of peculiar persons, this time Be just persons a little bit much just.
The Tuo pulls out more several personal excitementses of dropping and turning head, usually the road rushes through to go, they can have no so many ideas, they are more and more to feel this day the inheritting of evil true spirit have to make people at any time all ability surprise not already of skill, consequently also become inured to the unusual.
"Are you really so affirmative to is your opponent?"Handsome pottery Tang Xin in is to interrogatively ask a way very much, his oddness died, don't ask clearly, he is still true to is difficult to fall calm.
Luo easily tiny smile way:"Who said to is an enemy, may also we know with them all incognizant!"
"That you return ……" handsome pottery Tang almost drive he this irrational reason turned over an eye for spirit, this guy not is play trick.
Luo easily knows that he thinks naturally is what, order, way:"Really is so, I ain't to really think that they are the persons whom I want to wait, just do want to go into the city just so early."
" This reason?"Do not even believe sword Yis.
Luo easily beat ha ha say with smile:"What more important reason do you still think to have?You can't think that I am a fairy, can know that the future enemy when appears?"
2 people listenned to and all roared with laughter, this was possible to be really small.
But very small not representative have no, secretly satisfied in the Luo easy heart, he has already had fuller understanding to own fighting skill and just sees the time of gold childe dragon, didn't know why his heart in a nervous, the brains is suddenly definitely a lot of, the affairs that neglect very easily at ordinary times can easily reflect brain, good elephant by himself/herself really and a little bit understand Tuo to pull out more they say of that what day evil really annoy of usage, but still keep having a little faintness, those are from comer in the afar, he be at just dejected of that for an instant, the thing hold tight, is really too magic.
Is very quick, they saw the end of big way, a burst of dust floated in the sky, a flock of fast- marching forward brigade Related articles:

