
Beats by Dr Dre Pro dismounting 2 peop

This book comes from|six open Chinese net chapter 199 stranger
Luo water river bank, distance Luo sun with south of always rather the city have already had a road, sees 2 people riding a horse, being just in a hurry rushed through to the south by north.Once one among those persons see is a body Lei weak scholar, and the age wasn't young either, although the speed of this horse calculate not ascend quick, can jolt of bitterness but make his facial expression pale, obviously is some can not stand.
", Brothers!Rest, take a break!"Looking at a front that vigorous companion, the middle age scholar is one face wry smile, finally is an unbearable openings to say.
Listen to shouting of companion, walk fore noodles that person directly stopped bridle and returned overdo, but is a young man.Just this man body top but is to be different from that middle age scholar, but the short Gua that is dressed in whole body, outside hang one vice- light A, in the hand still pour to lift a pole long gun, once the Zha have a liking for to go, pour not to is to seem to be very strong actually, the muscle of the burliness of double arm just peep out from that short Gua, but is displayed inside this young man's body contain of strength.
For the claim of middle age scholar, that young men all have no what don't bear, smile to nod to say:"This pouring was my the gist!The Sir is a bookmen, Be different from my boorish like this!Is all right!See the color of the sky in nowadays it's yet early, we and take a rest a short moment here, anyway etc. led Luo water, is a Jing state boundary, be apart from the Sir's destination also not far!"
Listen to the young man agreed his/her own claim, that middle age scholar not from must loosen tone, however soon is again that the cheeks is red to get up, say with ashamed look:"Is alas!Pour is at under implicated brothers!Without any reason want to bring trouble brothers for sending me, arrive to Jing from the faraway You state of state!Returns important cause to stop for in the next cause, walking on the road.If the words of only a person of brothers, only afraid this road can not expend so many dates at all as well!"
If that brothers one is neatly clean act is turn over a body to dismount, listen to get middle age scholar, once the mouth smile and come forward to hand middle age scholar to dismount and say:"Sir this is to say where of words!Escort a Sir to return Jing state, this is the teacher to give an account to my task!Besides I am a poor boy, loaf every day a ground of foolish in the village, can not compare with Sir's body negative heavy responsibility, carefree at ordinary times is also carefree, where talk up what expend date!"
"Oh!Brothers, you don't also comfort at descend!"After dismounting, 2 people so directly lead long to sit to ride arrive at river near the bank of an is a Chan first to hand under tree after middle age scholar sit down, that brothers this just a bottom sit at one side.Looking at brothers that face that roar with laughter, middle age scholar not from must sigh a way:"I where still have what heavy responsibility!At the beginning if not that your teacher saved me one life, only afraid I now is already come to one cup loess a bones!If not that hearing the Jing state of now mishap, where do I dare to also come back?Just don't know this news exactly is be really leave, only wish don't be that I am silly the ground ran to bit the hook!"
Brothers sees middle age scholar one face misgiving of shape, hurriedly comfort a way:"The Sir greatly can trust!No matter how this Jing state change!The teacher since makes me follow a Sir, is the safety that makes me protect a Sir, there is this pole gun of mine at, promise that no one can harm to the Sir's a sweat hair!"Say, brothers brought up the long gun in the hand, on that face but is peeped out matchless self-confidence.
See that self-confidence on the face of brothers, middle age scholar also not from get be been infected, say with a smile:" The skill of the brothers I am naturally trusting!"
Middle age scholar this smiles, 2 people are previous that depressed atmosphere is also to sign dissipation horse, right away 2 people would be to say to smile, start cherishing this not much of coffee break.Although brothers expresses in times before very pre-eminent and self-confidence, can in front of middle age scholar, but again's seeming to be is so of homeliness, listen to the middle age scholar start to speak about for him the story presenting the strange burst of color Fen of world various each kind, brothers of face the top is to peep out curious, envy of vision.
"Sir!You say of does the yellow general really have so badly?Unexpectedly a person at count 100,000 enemy among the soldier come and go from such as?" The face of the brothers top not from must peep out a silk absolute being and go toward, imagine a war will, ride Gao Tou Malaysia, holdses long-handled sword, among laying siege to of numerous enemieses blunt kill, but is have no the least bit stagnation, kill an enemy as exploring a bag and taking a thing easily, this power and prestige that is how!
That middle age scholar not from must roar with laughter, say:"Ha ha ha ha!I can have no Kuang you!This is personally me see!However this war merit is some humidity!Those yellow towel rebel troopses in fact said white, also just a flock of civilian who takes weapon, the fighting strength compares with a real soldier that is to differ a lot!"
Although middle age scholar explained for a while, brothers still one face dream the ground say:"Even if is such, that was also very fantastic!Don't know as well to can see top one side with this yellow general this time, if canning have a competition with yellow general is some kind of, that should have much good!"
"Hum!" When that brothers just finished saying this beard, sudden ear a burst of light Zhan, but spread one in the small forest that ambiguously heard from the behind extremely small cold humed a voice!
Brothers' facial expression signs a horse be change, the whole individual was like the spring coil that is pressed extreme achievement general, the moment is to play.1 turns round and brings up a gun to would be on the ground on picking, in a rock moment on the ground drive his gun head to take, by leap and bound toward after death sending out that cold hum among the small forest of voice!
But at the moment, over there among the small forest, a non-commissioned officer that wears light AN is suddenly flown by this of the pebble got a fright, the speed of this pebble is too quick, this non-commissioned officer basically and too late avoids being seen and see this pebble soon shoot his noodles door.Looking at speed, if the words been shot will ast least also be discarded an eyes!
In this time, a big hand bursts upon at the in front of this non-commissioned officer, at the right moment give°ed this pebble to steadily answer down!But the host of this big hand are a war that wears excellent battle armor will, this war won't be other people, is exactly Luo sun under charge the great commander be sent sweet rather the text in the battalion hire!See the oneself general come out, that panic air on the non-commissioned officer face signs a horse to be missing, and the exultation shouts a way:"General!"
The text hired to order to nod, but eyes are to hope to that holds a gun man out of the forest and peeped out to ponder on the face of smiling face.Is original this of fish for a task is needless he in person horse, only stay in the soldier Be getting more stuffy, this just follows deeply well ventilated, unexpectedly will meet with such a matter.A burst of and benumbed feeling felt to spread from the center of palm, the text employs once the dint knead, immediately knead that pebble the broken bits was also close behind to peep out a silk to smile an idea on the face.
"Hide a dew tail,Beats by Dr Dre Pro!BE what person?Still appear not and quickly and quickly!"But in the river near the bank, that brothers tightly stares at a text to hire a this place and treads son to distribute at the same time and at the right moment give° the middle age scholar to protect at after death.
"Is interesting!"The text hired to whisper a , right away would be and lift own long knife direct walked out in the forest since the childhood, and those patrols also all followed in succession forest, certainly, one person has already in advance rushed through and returned to battalion, telling the intelligence report here the commander-in-chief of battalion has already been sweet rather.
Brothers originally also thinks to is to hide a little thief, but has never thought unexpectedly derivation so much take A non-commissioned officer, complexion not from get a tight, hurriedly is after death of the middle age scholar pull and carefully protect at after death.Immediately the clear voice drinks a way:"Is your etc. who?Why did you secretively hide here?With what evil intention?"
The text hires once the Hey Hey smile, talk about age, at present this brothers and text hire just about size, can the text hire after follow Luo sun, that but be a veteran warrior, at least on this knowledge, want compare this country youth of brothers like ascend many.Right away would be to say:"You this words was to say a branch!This is the world of big fellow, this road is also the road of big fellow!I and my under charge at here foolish is that to have already made which law of the land?The person canning just make moves first should be you!"
"E!"Brothers is hired this by the text to ask question to return be really to ask a burst of language fill, he every day before be followed teacher in the village, almost have never come out.Be subjected to the life of teacher this time, come to protect this inside year scholar, also be regarded as a teacher approval oneself teacher.Although of skill in martial arts already enough teacher, it happened that this in response to matter to the person's skill but is teaching can't, he still wants has been a lot ofly whetted to do.
Listen to the text hire so on saying, brothers certainly can't really feel is they not to, just temporarily don't know how to reply just.But in the another part, the text hires once the Hey Hey smile and say:"So!My seeing your artistic skill is quite good, and just dare wildly speech, with the Jing Xiang first the yellow general ratio take a shot, thinking to your artistic skill should very is get!I am also no object you just not to, want ~only you ability heel 1 of my Dou, can win me, I made you leave naturally!"
Brothers listens to the text hire so on saying and right away would be a pair of eyes a bright, directly be ask a way:"You are this words really?Do you put us to walk as long as I can win you?"
"Ha ha ha ha!"The text hires to see this brothers is unexpectedly so easy and then believe himself/herself and cannot help but laughing loud.Certainly, this doesn't represent he just was leave words what to say, these 2 people knew on seeing to is a stranger, and the text hired to also just see hunt heart to rise, but still was unlikely to humiliate two strangers!Right away would be to nod to say with smile:"My text hires to talk, when don't count!As long as you can win me, just of those observed a festival, my aming has never taken place!You walk your sun pass way, I lead my only wooden bridge!"
"Good!"Text hires to say so affirmatively, brothers right away would was to drink a , once the long gun in the hand put, one feet stepped toward the front one step, put a power, prepare in response to the enemy.Certainly, he didn't also forget after death of the middle age scholar, in a soft voice say:"Sir, you and hide to one side first!Treated me to win this person, we hurriedly left!"
Brothers talks to that middle age scholar, can that middle age scholar but imitate if don't hear general, but the complexion peculiarly looking at a text to hire and finally still keeps cannot helping but saying:"Does the text hire?Do you say that you make the text hire?But Luo under the sun debt of does the text hire?"
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