
cheap beats by dre J4h%A

Exclaimed : over there ! , relationresultThe helicopterlanded slowly ,aroused blown sand four ,a few lonely old Populus euphratica and covered by a layer of new sand ,which is known as the one thousand years of immortality, died one thousand years do not fall ,beats by dre cheap,fall one thousand years does not rot of poplar wood !The Populus wood fell, and rot ,although still not totally corrupt ,but has bad almost, whether it means that it is more than two thousand years ago, life ?relationresultThis site is four thousand years ago tower dam site ! What snow temporarily act as a commentator : is said to have witnessed a tribal existence and perish ,but history without any regard to the tribe records ! , relationresultHistory is not recorded,and are not retained for anything ,perhaps only a few trees to be decadent huge Populus euphratica, this is indeed have a well-deserved reputation of Populus euphratica ,known as the three thousand years does not rot ,also did not exaggerate !For four thousand years ,it still can serve as a guidepost -- if not this diversiform-leaved poplar ,but there is no longer a tower dam sites ,because of the ground without any character .
relationresultHere there is an old stone wall ! Grimm said : but in five hundred years ago and is buried in the sand under ,this is only a few populus ! , relationresultHistory sometimesis fragile ,frequent replacement of dynasties is fragile symbol ,but history is sometimes strong ,strong will of some ancient continuation, Zhou Yu stood in front of Populus euphratica ,as if to ask this old wood four thousand years ago what here is what !relationresultThe 421st chapter black jade vase , relationresultLiftthe door shut ,few people off the plane ,two soldiers had a gun ,as defensive duties, although they know monster has been eliminated, but the soldier duty to tell them ,or should keep a sober mind .
relationresultThe sandof Populus euphratica edges leaving Zhou Yu and any snow ,Zhou Yu in his exploration ,exploration way is very strange ,others archaeology is down thin instruments research ,but he is standing ,look ,look at ,see East West South West look ,look at what the snow ,Zhou Yu turned a half circle, where snow also rotate along with a half circle, finally cloudily opening : no trace of them ! , relationresultHereare as like as two peas yellow sand ,and she had no difference ,this time came just six teams may leave a trail ,she did not observe the team will work on behalf of the plan, without any equipment ,is not possible in a sand find what others are difficult to find .
relationresultZhou Yugangaround a circle ,nodded : not found their bodies !Will be buried deep in the sand ? , relationresultThere may be ! He Xue said : there may be in other place to kill the monster ! , relationresultSomewhere else?Zhou Yu looked up ,www.monsters-ol.com,watch over sand ,also do not know how much this continuation ,big desert, to find the six simply do not see the true colours of the mummies, difficulty one can imagine ,and even find them and how ?Who can guarantee a certain energy from those mummies found clues ?relationresultI am sure that this site is the key to the problem ! He Xue said : only look forward to the next batch of expedition to give us the answer !Get moving !relationresultZhou Yu shook his head: I also want to have a try ! , relationresulttry ? He Xueheng a glimpse of him : you also want to take to drill stunts ,in the vast sea of sand out ? The last air he can dig into the sand ,theory is too difficult for him ,but in the desert looking for clues than the monster out drilling hole to find clues one hundred times harder .
Because the monster hole will leave a hole ,the hole is the clue !And the sand there won hole ,only blind search .relationresultZhou Yu laughed: I think the world is what Xuecai is really understand me ! , relationresultA wordjust finished .
Standing land suddenly caved in, his person in the air ninety percent off ,through a sound into the sand ,even disappear !relationresultHe Xuecried emergency hold ,her little hand in his mouth ,eyes widened ,oh ,drill can in this diving way ?Maybe illusion ,perhaps he was too fast .
The action is agile, but he Xueyou a strange feeling :he entered into the sand ,the sand into water ,or with an empty hole !relationresultI ? What snow quietly said to myself : do I know you ?No, I don ! , relationresultThe periphery of theGrimm seemed to feel ,look back shouted: you need help ? , relationresultNo.
He Xue shouted : you don ! , relationresultIs ! Two answered in unison ,don a few Lao Hu Yang suddenly without a head ,of course they never dreamed of the heads is a genus of hamster .
Drill to play !relationresultZhou Yu enteredthe sand, there is some degree of pleasure, in front of the sand in the earth magic next to the sides, in earth magic peripheral like water coming down ,cheap beats by dre,he is like inside a thick incomparable falls, waterfalls was forced open ,exposed an unknown world .
relationresultWay down,the eye as a lamp ,the sand sand is eternal mainstream ,in addition to the sand outside the .There are some small animal carcasses ,natural only some bones ,and some stones ,as in the river stone ,is a type of round ,straight twenty meters .
Lateral search scope to a radius of one kilometer ,Zhou Yu gaze through the following sand direct ground ,still in the search ,he has a firm belief ,oneself can certainly find something ,because of his theory can be directly reached the bottom of desert ,as long as it remains true in this block scope ,as he such a progression ,finally it can be harvested .
relationresultA* * * end turn ,failed to find any .But the sand two soldiers with vigilance ,Grimm shouted: heads ,a situation ! Sound good .relationresultWhatsnow suddenly ran ,Grimm exclaimed: sand vibration !Is it right? There are monsters ? Guns at the underground sand .
relationresultWhat have you found ? He Xue was nervous, after all the monster kills just what he said ,she did not see the monster is what kind of .relationresultLook at the front of the head ,a small sand dunes ,two minutes before suddenly slightly sunken, not here on quicksand zone .
Cave in was not warranted ! Grimm said : to me in the desert to experience, there must be something from the sand bottom quickly through ! , relationresultWhatsnow see .There is something quickly through ,only that he is in search of !No more excuses ,another soldier ran : heads ,accident, the head of .

